The Midway
One of the highlights of the University of Scouting is the Scouting Midway. Multiple vendors provide access to Scouting products, information on Scouting events and organizations, and information on exciting locations and activities for Scouts and Scout Units.
Our Midway includes vendors from all over our Council region and beyond, including the Scout Shop which will be offering a variety of clothes, books, equipment, and special sale items.
You will have an opportunity to learn about many of the area’s locations, attractions, and stores available to add fun program elements to your Pack, Troop, or Crew program. You won’t find a more convenient opportunity to build your Scouting experience. Our vendors are coming to meet you so plan some time to visit.
When you do, be sure to visit the Midway during registration in the morning (starting at 7:00 a.m.) and during your lunch period. The vendors in the Midway will begin departing around 3 p.m.
BSA National Scout Shop Pop-Up
Order of the Arrow Lodge
Birchbark Expeditions
Leave no Trace
Territory 10 Venturing Association
NYLT 2023
Camp Merz
Evergreen Outfitters
Explore & More
Case Knives
Holiday Valley